22 jan 2015

Gettin that schedule goin'

Hey there, long time no see ;D
Today I decided!
For the first time in my oh so short life I'm going to do something on a regular basis!
Sounds nice, right? And it's not just some something, it's making YouTube videos :D I've been dreaming of making YT vids for a long time now but whenever I wanted to record something or do something to improve my amayzingg skillz, I told myself ''Nah, I'm too busy with school'', and when it wasn't school there'd always be something else that'd stop me from just trying to do whatever I wanted to do. Every time I do that, I feel this huge cloud of depressing pressure and boredom hanging over me (not literally, it's a metaphor :D or something like that, I DON'T KNOW OKAY, geez) and then I do nothing at all, and so today I told myself that I'm just going to do it and do it regularly. I'm always going to be busy with something else that is seemingly more important and therefore timing will never be perfect. So I'm just going to start now, why bother waiting? Now please don't hate me if I fail to upload regularly, I'm also human.

Anyway, I really hope you want to be that one (regular??? ;D) viewer that isn't one of my parents.
(Still love you though, Mum & Dad ♥)

I'm hoping to upload mostly Parkour videos, though I have a feeling I'm going to run out of steam pretty quick. I might upload a LoL gameplay as a substitute every now and then, but don't count on me doing that regularly as well.

So far, the idea is to upload a video with a blog message on the side once every two weeks, which isn't much but it's a goddarn start that's what it is and that's all I need for now. The goal is to get used to doing this stuff regularly.
Once I've mastered the Art of Regularlarlirity, I can move on to mastering the Art of Quality, and then I will eat much peanut butter, and then,
I will conquèr zhe world.

So to summarize:
  •  I will upload at least one thing once every two weeks, preferably PK
  •  I will keep blogging!
  •  I will eat lotsa peanut butter
See you in two weeks!
Bai now


Go away

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