3 mrt 2015


How are you? I'm doing okay.
Me doing okay is the reason I haven't been posting to you lately because me doing okay means that I'm not doing much of anything. I do a little of my homework, I record a little, I game a little (too much), I manage my time very littleleloly, you know the deal. Probably.

Today was a fine example of how I'm doing: I was almost late to school today and therefore I smelled  all day cuz I cycle at lightning speed when I'm going to be late. Cycling at lightning speed produces a lot of sweat, can't help it. Made it in time though.

I ate all of the food I'd prepared for the day during the first break of the day so I got a lil grumpy and a lil dizzy at the end of it.  Still had a kind-of-okay time nonetheless.

Since I was hungry, first thing I did when I got home is get a bowl of cruesli and yoghurt. I made an attempt to at least. The yoghurt was really watery so I closed the... (lid?) and shook the yoghurt.
Don't ever do that
The yoghurt pack thingy ripped open and I spilled half of the contents over meh pants. Did manage to fill the bowl with what was left.

What I'm trying to explain here is that I've been doing many stupid/dorky/clumsy things the last 2 weeks, and that I often somehow manage to salvage some goodness out of them. That's what doing okay means to me. Doing okay is really tiring.

There's not much of the day left so I had better get started on doing my homework now.

Next post will be about PK again, sorry if this one was a little boring
Thanks for reading

P.s. I tried to record some LoL today but apparently I only recorded 2 frames xD. For those of you who don't know: it's not much, 2 frames.
The next vid shall be named Building Basic Strength as a Student.
I intend to make up for being behind on schedule.

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